MOnthly Sports Boosters Meetings

The Byron Center Sports Boosters Executive Board meets on the first Wednesday of every month of the school year (August - May) at 6:00 PM. This is followed by the Byron Center Sports Boosters General Meeting starting at 7:00 pm.  If the first Wednesday of the month is a holiday, the meeting is moved to the following Wednesday, unless otherwise posted.

Meetings are held at the high school athletic “Team Room” unless otherwise posted.

Meeting agendas, the Treasurer’s Report and “future agenda topic form” are distributed at the beginning of each meeting. Past meeting agendas and minutes are available upon request.

Anyone who is a resident of the Byron Center Public School District may attend meetings and be involved. Parents of athletes are encouraged to attend. There is no membership fee to belong to the Sports Boosters, just your regular attendance to meetings and your commitment to serving the needs of our athletic programs.

Members are nominated for officer positions during the April meeting. Elections are held during the May meeting. Anyone wishing to be nominated for a Board position must attend at least three meetings during the school year.

The Byron Center Sports Boosters operates as a subordinate organization under the supervision of the Byron Center High School Athletics Director, the Superintendent of Schools, and the Byron Center Board of Education.

The Byron Center Sports Boosters operates as a non-profit organization.  Donations that require a 501C3 status can be made.


Team REpresentative

Each team has a representative who attends the General Boosters Meetings. The decision as to who the Team Representative will be is determined by the Coach and Athletic Director. There is one representative from each team; however, if the sport has a large team, it is the decision of the Athletic Director and Coach to elect more than one representative. Parent(s) of student-athlete for each sport will have the first opportunity to volunteer as the Team Representative.

The Team Representative shall:

  • Disseminate information from the General Boosters Meeting to the team coach and parents.

  • Review the monthly financial reports issued by the Treasurer, paying particular attention to the encumbered fund for which he/she is a Team Representative. Any points requiring clarification should be raised as soon as possible or within a reasonable time frame with the Executive Board and/or Team Coach/Parents.

  • Active Contributor or Chair fundraising activities & committees

  • Work concession events for assigned events

  • Coordinate concession volunteers for assigned events

  • Provide team updates at General Meetings

  • Post team news and photos on the Athletic website

  • Attend monthly General Meetings and if absent, find a replacement. Team Representatives must attend 80% of the meetings

  • Provide a backfill upon leaving the Team Representative role

Team Rep Benefits

Individual Sports Pass

Pay to Play Reimbursement


Executive Board Member or Trustee

Volunteering to share your talents and gifts in support the Byron Center sports program can be very rewarding and personally satisfying.  In addition, Sports Boosters Board Members and Trustees receive generous benefits.

  • Individual Sports Pass

  • Pay to Play Reimbursement

  • OK Conference Sports Pass